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Eating Enigmas

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Eating disorders aren't limited to the standard of not eating. There are many other types. Unusual types like pica; a disorder where a person consumes "non-food" items.

The National Eating Disorder Association discusses how people with pica do not eat food, but other substances that have no nutritional value. Also stated is how they are usually paired with a mental disorder like autism or schizophrenia.

With such odd symptoms, there are two main causes. Iron- deficiency or malnutrition both leave the body lacking the necessary nutrients to survive, making a person eat other options in hopes to fix this.

Pica used to be relatively rare but has been growing in both victims and awareness. Mostly due to a TV show called My Strange Addictions. This program has shown many cases of pica. Most noticeably a lady who ate couch cushions.

The disease is so personal to everyone, having their own cravings and "needs", that there isn't many statistics on it. As well, how it effects the body is dependent on what the person eats. Eating couches obviously wasn't good, but this lady was able to keep it up for over two decades.

Then there are the people who can't maintain something internalized for very long. For example, Natalie Hayhurst had pica as a child and at three- years- old she ate a light bulb, and then proceeded to need emergency surgery.

Pica is a dangerous disorder. Something that people struggle with physically and mentally. In fear of society, but needing the indulgence.

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I'm Elizabeth Keyster, and this is my website to discover more about eating disorders for my term paper.

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